What Are the Top 5 Marketing Automation Platforms of 2019?

Everyone wants to get the best result from their hard work. But, for this to happen, business owners must take steps to streamline their work processes. This applies to both physical and online processes.  To get more success with online platforms a business owner must do a little searching to find the best.

What Are Marketing Automation Platforms?

For those of us who want to get the best online marketing help but need an answer to the question ”What are marketing automation platforms?”, the answer is important. We are relatively new to internet marketing and have a lot to learn before we jump in.

Marketing automation software collects information such as how many people visited the company website and other web form data that is needed for you to make good marketing decisions. These marketing automation platforms can help a business owner boost their bottom line.  Marketing automation software vendors create templates for the workflow that guide a person through their automation process.

The templates start with the basics in interaction with online customers with e-mail. The message may read something like “Thanks for making a purchase with us” or “welcome.” Then the customer is guided through an automated process keyed to their responses. If someone deletes the welcome message, they are removed from the workflow. A person who clicks on a link for more information is put on a guided marketing journey.

Depending on the vendor, your marketing automation software can be very complicated with unlimited sequencing options. Or, you can be limited to customary automated workflows with basic sequences. The business person needs to match their marketing needs to the marketing automation software capabilities. Once you have gone beyond the Email marketing one-off messages and on to creating longer interactions based on customer data, you need a marketing automation software platform.

Choosing A Marketing Automation Platform

There are many marketing automation platform vendors such as SharpSpring and Marketo. You can learn more about Marketo and other vendors by going online to read about comparative pricing and reviews. Remember promises and pricing are not always accurate indicators of quality.

The top Six platforms in 2019 include:

  1. SharpSpring has over 1,700 customers and a choice between annual and monthly payment options. Its pricing is on the low end of the scale
  2. Marketo has been around longer. It only offers yearly contracts with quarterly payments and has a higher price point.
  3. HubSpot offers many benefits. These Marketing automation programs for 2019 have an excellent track record.
  4. ActiveCampaign is great for smaller budgets and an affordable setup.
  5. MailChimp is a very good platform for small businesses and small budgets.
  6. EngageBay’s marketing automation software helps small businesses automate marketing and sales tasks and various workflows to generate leads, close deals, and grow revenue faster.

Making The Final Choice

Each marketing automation platform has reviews and pricing information available online. Check out these top five platforms and others to compare pricing and services. Some platforms are more expensive and better for large businesses and organizations. They may offer more products that small business needs.

Other marketing automation platforms are great for small businesses and new companies. They are very good for beginning online marketers. It is possible to start out with a less-expensive, basic platform and then trade up to a more-expansive program that offers more features as the business grows.

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