Tips for Attorney Pay Per Click Advertising Success

Think for a second, how many people in your area need an attorney? And how to make your business visible to them? Attorney pay-per-click advertising is the simplest and efficient way to reach these clients.

This marketing tool is helpful because it helps law firm websites reach potential clients in masses. PPC enables firms to target a specific audience, and that is why it works wonders for law firm websites.

If you are someone who wants some tips to excel in PPC or need pay-per-click advertising success for your law firm, this is for you!

5 Crucial Tips For Attorney Pay Per Click Advertising Success 

  1. Write catchy ad-copy 

Use ad copy to circulate your brand name and let people know how good an advocate you are or what makes you different. Copywriting is a result of proper market research where you need to find out what suits perfectly and resonates with your brand and audience.

The sole objective is to make viewers click through your website and tap on the call now tab. Set different editions and run them for a week to see which got the most CTR. Relocate the budget on that segment and attract clients instantly.

  1. Use keywords wherever possible. 

Search engines like Google Ads mark your ad based on viewer relevancy and helpfulness. If your ad copy is relevant to the keywords, you are using and adds value to the content, then Google ranks it higher in the SERPs.

Pro tip- Use the main keyword in the headline and once in the description too. Also, look for long-tail keywords.

  1. Make sure you are targeting the right crowd 

Do you practice in a particular area? Then, you can cut your budget for PPC ad campaigns by showing them to clients in your area.

Update your settings or geographical parameters according to the user’s location. This saves a lot of money that is wasted on clicks that will never become a prospect.

  1. Employ Ad extensions 

When you are running a business, you will eventually end up getting lots of queries. The same goes with law firm websites; clients will always give you a call to check if you’re perfect for their case. To make this process simpler, go for ad extensions.

  1. Advertise on Mobile 

Digitalization has made smartphones a necessity in today’s world. Whatever you do, you need a smartphone to do it. For instance, getting groceries ordered online, going out-get an ola.

So if you want your PPC campaign to make a significant impact, make sure it runs on mobile devices as well. For example, mobile PPC helps law firm websites to attract more clients and get more calls.


With digitalization, marketing strategies have changed, and not everything works all the time. But PPC, if done right, can yield high returns in no time.

The above-written tips will help you in establishing a base and strive forward for more business. All the best for establishing a successful campaign for your business!

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