Furthering Your Tech Career: Everything You Need to Know

In an industry that moves as fast as the tech industry, it can be hard to keep up. You can easily fall behind and then it’s not just your future progression that is at risk, but your career as a whole. You can learn on the job, yes, but playing catch-up is not a sustainable option. You need the skills, and the drive, because only together will you go far in the tech industry.

Know the Best Specialties

There are a lot of roles in tech that you could apply for, and you need to be committed to the role you are working towards because backtracking will be very difficult and take a long time.

A good way to choose your dream job is to start first with what you love. Try to focus on the type of work and work day you enjoy as well, since this will help you discover new roles you didn’t know existed. If you love statistics and data management, for example, then your interests would naturally make for a great data scientist, which is currently the #1 job in the United States.

Another thing to consider is the average wage and the state of the job industry. If there are more qualified applicants than there are roles, it will be very hard to secure a position when you first start out or are looking to change employers. If there is massive job growth, however, like we are seeing with cyber security positions, then you will have a much easier job hunting experience and your pick of choices.

Knowing what jobs you would want to do as your dream job will help you build up the skills and experience you need. For now all you need to do is look what open roles are looking for. Cyber security experts typically need at least one outside certification, for example, and other roles will have their own requirements that are standard from employer to employer.

If you can surpass these expectations you will have everything you need to further your tech career. Having the drive, dedication, and skills will get you far.

Further Your Skillset

Having direction is key, because furthering your skillset takes a lot of time and effort and you need to be 100% certain that the skills you are building will help you further your career.

With a Higher Education Degree

If there is one way to further your knowledge and skillset in the tech industry, then it is with a formal degree. There are so many benefits to going for this option. One, they are updated every year, guaranteeing you’ll get the most up-to-date education possible. They are also comprehensive and designed to build up your skills so that future courses or certifications are a breeze.

Most of all, however, you have the benefit of a degree that proves your skills to new and existing employers alike. Not all degrees are equal, however, so make sure you enroll in the best choice for you. The Masters in question should work to build up from the fundamentals and then allow you to specialize.

Cyber security is becoming increasingly important and job roles are popping up left, right, and center. You can jump on this new trend by completing a Masters in Cyber Security online to add to your existing qualifications. Together, they will make you the perfect candidate and allow you to apply to very high-level positions at jobs around the world.

With Certifications

It is not always feasible to earn a degree every time you need to prove your skill in something. Think of your MSc as base camp at Mount Everest. It gets you to where you need to be and lets you stand within reach of your goal. Every certification and day you learn something new is another step towards the peak.

These certifications are essential as well. New techniques and tools emerge daily, and you will need to be able to prove that you know how to use them. In some cases, you may even need to learn how to use them. Thankfully you can do both by achieving a certification.

On the Job

Shadow others, find a mentor, and of course always ask your employer if they can cover the costs for you to take a short course or earn a certification. It is in their best interest to make you the best possible candidate, because building up your skills will be much cheaper than hiring someone who already has those skills. There may be a stipend, a longer contract, for example, but by working with your employer to improve your qualifications everyone wins.

Getting Those Promotions and Raises

Having the skills and experience is essential to furthering your career, but make no mistake: most employers will be happy to keep paying you the same amount if you don’t push the issue.

Ask and Demand

Ask your fellow employees how much they make. It needs to be out in the open so that you don’t end up accidentally with a far lower pay than your colleagues in lower or similar positions to you – and that will happen. Pay is entirely negotiable, and if you haven’t been fighting for higher pay year after year your income will take a hit.

You know what you are worth, so demand that. If your employer is worthwhile they will negotiate with you and find a way to offer you more within their means. If they won’t, you need to be prepared to leave.

Be Prepared to Find a New Position

Being prepared to leave and find a new position is imperative. Not only will it give you more negotiating power at your own company, it is the best way to see that pay increase. You will never have a better negotiating position than when you first start a new job, so look for positions higher than the one you have now. Get a promotion and pay rise and a new employer all in one go.

The instances where you will earn the largest pay increase are when you start a new position – this is because you have more negotiating power, so make the most of it.

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