5 Best Safety Tips While Working & Going to School Online

Since the pandemic began, more people are working and going to school online than ever before. That’s why it’s important to make sure we’re being safe whenever we’re online so that we don’t open ourselves up to potential threats, like hackers and scammers. So consider these five safety tips whenever you’re working or attending class online.

  1. Use a Firewall

A firewall can help ensure your private information (like passwords) stay safe from potential threats online. Your firewall acts as a barrier that prevents unauthorized access to your computers and devices, including Internet of Things (IoT) devices, like a smart refrigerator, a smart stove or your Amazon Alexa device. A firewall can help you safely connect to the internet from anywhere without worrying about potential threats.

  1. Get Identity Theft Monitoring and Protection

Around-the-clock protection is one of the most efficient ways to ensure your data stays safe when you’re taking a class online or performing your work duties. Identity theft protection can provide Social Security number alerts, lost wallet protection, data breach notifications, fictitious identity monitoring, black market website surveillance and reduced pre-approved credit card offers. LifeLock offers several levels of protection to meet your unique needs and gives you the peace of mind you need to do your classwork or job duties without worry.

  1. Only Connect to Secure Wireless Networks

When going to school or working online, make sure you only connect to secure wireless networks. That means no connecting to the McDonald’s around the corner of the neighborhood cafe that’s just within range of your house when the Wi-Fi gets spotty. Resist the urge — you’ll be glad you did in the long run. Connecting to wireless networks that aren’t secured could be hazardous to your financial health, meaning hackers could gain access to your computer and see everything you’re doing online. So only connect to trusted, secured wireless networks.

  1. Be Wary About Giving Out Personal Information

Don’t give out personal information to anyone you don’t know and avoid posting personal data on social media sites. That means things like your address, phone number and obviously any other personally identifiable information. If someone calls you or sends you an e-mail asking for personal information, be sure you can verify that it’s who you think it is. Otherwise, you risk giving out information that can be used to open accounts and credit cards in your name, potentially destroying your credit.

  1. Avoid Opening E-Mail Attachments From Unknown Recipients

Phishing scammers are notorious for using e-mail to send viruses unbeknownst to the recipient. Viruses like these can get into your computer and access any personal information you might have stored in there, like credit card numbers, bank account information and other information that might give someone access to your money or credit. So if you’re not expecting an e-mail with an attachment, don’t open any attachments anyone sends you.

Take the Steps to Secure Your Info

Staying safe while working and going to school online is absolutely possible, as long as you’re diligent about what you do and you limit providing personal information to unknown people or websites. By using a firewall, getting identity theft protection and monitoring, only connecting to secured wireless networks, and avoiding opening e-mail attachments from unknown senders, you can reduce your risk of becoming a victim of identity theft tremendously. So start taking steps to secure your personal information before you do anything else online.

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