4 Powerful Security Tools Your Business Needs

Let’s say that your business has an online presence, as so many of them do these days. Perhaps you have a website because you have an eCommerce business model. Maybe you have a software suite that your employees use to log in and do their work from remote locations during the pandemic.

Either way, you’ll want to have room in your operating budget for security features and tools that will keep both your clients and workers safe. You need those because if you don’t have them, a hacker can steal your workers’ identities or your industry secrets. They can also steal all your customers’ credit card numbers, their home addresses, and so forth.

We’ll take some time today to talk about a few of the security tools your business should strongly consider. You can often write them off on your taxes, and you’ll be glad they are there if hackers start probing your network for vulnerabilities.

Fraud Detection Platforms

Fraud detection platforms are one of the tools that businesses sometimes neglect, but they can be extremely invaluable. You might have a business model where interested individuals apply for your services.

Maybe you’re a bank or credit union, and someone wants to apply for a loan. You might be a credit card company, and someone is applying for a new card.

You have to be very careful not to grant fraudulent applicants the service they’re requesting. If you do, that can cost you a lot of money and cause you significant headaches. The problem is, how can you tell the fraudulent applications from the legitimate ones?

The proper fraud detection platform uses advanced algorithms to detect noteworthy patterns that indicate fraud. They can save you millions in fraud-related losses every year. Also, because they often integrate machine learning technology, they actually get better at the job the longer you use them.

Antivirus Software

Antivirus software has been around for years, but it’s still one of the simplest and most effective roadblocks you can put up to deter hackers and other threats. If you have up-to-date antivirus software, that’s going to dissuade many hackers. They will generally try to find an easier target, of which there are many.

If you ever have a virus or a malware infection, the software will let you know, and you can eradicate it. You also want one that will scan your emails to detect malicious web links and attachments.

The most modern antivirus software packages also quarantine potential threats before removing them.

There’s a wide range of options that are out there, so look closely at your business model and your needs before deciding. You might want to bring in a cybersecurity expert if you’re not sure which way to go.

A Strong Firewall

A firewall is not the same thing as antivirus software, but you’re going to need both to feel good about your website or network. Cybercriminals are always learning and plying their trade. Your firewall is the most fundamental obstacle between hackers and your network, with all the valuable data contained therein.

The right firewall is the one that can monitor connection attempts and network traffic. The most skilled hackers can create data and programs that they design to pass freely onto computers and networks.

You need a firewall that can detect these potential intruders and correctly identify them for what they are. Firewalls do have their limitations, which is why you always want to use one alongside antivirus software, not instead of it.

Penetration Testing

You might have heard the term “ethical hacking” before. This is what a penetration testing company can do for you.

Whether you have an eCommerce business website or you have a software suite that your workers use to log in and do their work, you want to be sure that you have no obvious vulnerabilities that a hacker might utilize. When you hire an experienced penetration testing company, they can probe carefully for weaknesses.

They will try various entry points and see if they can successfully compromise your network. What they find might surprise you, even if you feel fairly sure your network is secure.

Once they finish, they will give you a detailed, comprehensive threat assessment. They’ll then recommend how you can fix any problems that they have found. You might want to repeat this process every few months for best results.

If you utilize all of these tools, your online presence and overall business should be in good shape.

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