3 Ways to Curb Your Gaming Addiction

Once upon a time, video games were a simple yellowface being chased by pixelated ghosts. Today, video games are more realistic than ever, with the power to transport you into an entirely new dimension. Because of the hyper realness, it can be easy to find yourself depending on video games as an alternative choice to reality.

Whether you want to drive a stolen car down the Las Vegas strip or jump out of a helicopter with an AR-15 rifle, video games can make that possible.

Although it can be fun to play video games, it can be damaging if you don’t know your limits. Too much of anything can be a bad thing, and video games can definitely be a bad thing when abused too much. They can reduce your cognitive skills, hamper productivity, and even reduce creative thinking. If you are concerned that you might be suffering from video game addiction, then take a look at some of the best tips for curbing it.

Set Limits For Yourself

Quitting cold turkey may not be a reality for you. Instead of trying to make yourself quit altogether, you may want to consider setting limits for yourself. It’s not always fun to impose limits on yourself; however, it may be the most straightforward way to cut back on your gaming time.

Make a decision on how many hours or minutes a day you’d like to set limits for yourself. Try to stick to your limits as much as possible and set timers for yourself. Make sure that you respect the timer when it goes off. There’s no point in setting limits for yourself if you cheat.

Find Alternative Things To Do

A lot of addiction specialists believe that in order to get rid of one addiction, you have to replace it with something else. Try to find something else that you’re just as passionate about. Find something mentally stimulating that boosts creative thinking rather than detracts from it.

Try to get outdoors as much as possible. Since video games take away from time spent in nature, it’s important to get back to the outdoors when you can like playing foosball outdoor.

Reward Yourself

Anytime you have a goal of any sort, in your particular case, trying to cut back on video games, it helps to reward yourself for the progress you make. The less time that you spend gaming, the more you earn something special of your choice.

Alternatively, you could use video games as a reward. You can only play as a reward for getting something important done. For example, once all of your housework or laundry is done, only then can you sit down and play for a while.  If you’re dealing with your child’s addiction to gaming, then the same system can be equally as effective. They have to earn their gaming time by doing chores of their choice.

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