What is a Mobile Video SDK used for?

A mobile video SDK or software development tool is used to create in-app media playback functions. The simplest example of mobile video SDK used commonly by more 1 billion individuals across the world would be Facebook. Every single video playback request involves a video SDK working in the background.

What is a mobile video SDK used for?

Engaging the viewer or the audience is the key to digital marketing, or rather, the vital digital footprint. Hosting an in-app video, whether as the sole motive of the app or as an add-on, requires sufficient software and infrastructure backup.

A mobile video SDK can help in rapid development of video playback, recording, streaming, conferencing, etc. It can also help build configuration features such as fullscreen playback, playlists, poster image, etc.

But to really expand the horizon of possibilities, an SDK needs an integrated API delivered with it. The range of operations further increases to adjusting video and audio qualities, native controls, web player functional integrations.

Understanding mobile video APIs and SDKs

Also known as a Devkit, SDKs can be simply defined as a deliverable set of tools required to develop a software app targeted towards a specific platform. It generally includes a set of tools, libraries, code boxes, processes, and guides for an individual to successfully develop an app. Note that SDKs for the same app can vary across platforms.

An API or application programming interface allows a software app to interact with another app/s. APIs define how the developed in-app software interacts with other user-end programmes.

How mobile video SDKs and APIs work?

An SDK can create the necessary software back-end to run a video in-app. It should offer a set of tools for development, a database for code boxes and software libraries, processes to perform the desired functions, among others.

The API allows the user to access the available video as well as all related functions via the app or phone interface software depending on whether the video is in-app or a native app altogether.

An example can help better understand how SDKs and APIs work.

Facebook SDKs for Android and iOS app development helps develop the necessary in-app video feature or native video app on either platform.

So, to develop a native app for Android which hosts Facebook live streams compiled together, the developer will need a Facebook SDK for Android to start.

Android APIs will be required on both ends, one to connect with Facebook for on-demand access and another to provide user-end interactions as well as with other apps.

Pre-developed SDKs

Leading video software development kits can help an individual rapidly develop, test, and deploy native or hybrid mobile video experiences on-the-go.

These SDKs come with add-on features and functions which can be added to a video along with the necessary hardware interactions backup.

Ziggeo mobile video SDK offers a multi-functional and scalable devkit. Integrate video playback and multiple other features in-app. Develop APIs and deploy in low turnaround times with ease.

Offer a mobile video experience to your audience. Increase your outreach to more viewers with scale.

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