Top 6 Smart Amenities to Upgrade Vacation Rental Property

The prosumer market is expanding and as a result, people are starting to embrace technology in their everyday lives. Thus, the guests who are booking your property via Airbnb or one of the other vacation rental sites will expect to find certain smart amenities at your place.

Not only do you want to meet their expectations, but, as a host, you also want to impress your guests and deliver the finest guest experience possible. Luckily there is a long list of smart amenities to add to your Airbnb property, but where should you start? Here are six of the smart(est) solutions that you should shortlist straightaway.

Smart Locks

The issue with physical keys is that your guests can misplace them, or, even worse, make a copy without your knowledge or consent. Plus, sometimes it can just be plain challenging to get your guests to return your keys after checkout.

A smart lock can solve all these problems! What’s more, by opting for a smart lock you can give different codes to your guests and cleaners enabling you to keep track of who is trying to access your property.

Home Temperature Automation Units

Home temperature automation units have benefits in store for both the guest and host. A smart thermostat enables you to set the ideal temperature before your guests arrive. Creating the right first impression is key and with this smart technology, no one will have cold feet (or get hot under the collar).

Plus, hosts will be delighted to know that they can keep track of the temperature. This way they can make sure that guests are not keeping it at full blast round the clock, eliminating any nasty electricity bill surprises.

Smart Lighting

Sometimes it is a good thing when the lights are on, but no one’s home. Smart lighting enables you to set your lights to a specific schedule so that you can create the impression that someone is in fact at your property when it is actually standing vacant.

If you are searching for innovative ways to minimize your costs, smart lighting can also help. In the event that a guest has forgotten to switch off the lights before checking out, you can switch it off via wireless, making managing your Airbnb property remotely much easier.

Plus, it is not just functional! When used correctly, smart lighting can offer a better level of luxury.

Coffee Makers

If your Airbnb property does not boast a coffee maker yet, it is about time that you wake up and smell the coffee. Investing in a good coffee maker is a great way to offer more value to your guests.

It does not have to be anything fancy – a simple drip coffee machine will do the trick. To show to your guests that you are thoughtful, offer them a couple of coffee options, creamer, and sugar. Though, if you are opting for a machine that uses pods, keep in mind that the pods can become expensive.

Universal Adapters & Chargers

It is those extra things that can help you to get five-star reviews. A universal adapter or charger is an inexpensive addition that can help you to make your guests feel right at home and ensure that they can charge their creature comforts.

Security Sensors

There are also a couple of security sensors that you can add to your to-buy list. To help you stay water-wise, the wise thing to do is get a few leak sensors that can notify you when there is a water leak. It is also a great investment if your Airbnb property is located in an area that is likely to experience flooding.

Other security sensors that will make smart investments are smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Guest safety should be at the top of your list and these smart features will notify your guests in the event of danger.

Final Thoughts

Investing in these smart home devices is definitely a win-win situation. It will help to ensure that your guests can enjoy a certain level of comfort and luxury, while it can help to make the hosting experience less demanding and increase your profit margin.

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