Plan better to prevent data theft from your business

Are you tired of having your employees ask, “Should I copy this file?” before copying files to USB drives? There’s a reason for that, and it’s because many companies do not allow employees to copy data on portable storage devices like USB drives.

This is often referred to as the Data Theft Prevention (DTP) policy. While large corporations usually put in place DTP policies, even small businesses should consider implementing them.

This article will cover DTP policies, best practices, and how they can be used to prevent or at least reduce data theft within an organization.

What is Data Theft Prevention (DTP)?

DTP refers to measures taken by companies – both large and small – to prevent the loss of sensitive, confidential, or sensitive information.

This is typically done through policies and restrictions on employees regarding portable storage devices like USB drives.

It can also be in software that automatically detects and blocks copying data to external drives. Use Salesforce data backup apps to handle things efficiently.

Best Practices: DTP Policies for Businesses

Here are some best practices to consider when creating your company’s Data Theft Prevention (DTP) policies:

Limit the number of USB ports available on workstations – if you have a policy that allows employees to copy data via USB drives, limiting the number of ports may decrease the chances of unauthorized copying by making it so only one or two people can plug in at once

Password protect flash drives – requiring passwords will make it so employees can’t copy data to USB drives unless they have the password

Require administrators to be present when copying data – requiring an administrator to be present will allow them to inspect the USB drive and the files being copied for sensitive information

Monitor use of flash drives – having your IT department check logs or setting up cameras throughout the office can help reduce unauthorized copying by recording what employees are doing with their drives

Use DTP software – DTP software has benefits like alerting you if there is attempted copying of sensitive files, letting you remotely disable drives (preventing data theft), and auditing which devices accessed which files.

This works even if there is no internet connection. If you’d like to evaluate DTP software, visit for more information

Label all drives – labeling drives with the company name or logo will help decrease the chance of unauthorized copying by employees who may not know which are company drives and which are their own

Do You Need a Data Theft Prevention Policy?

USB drives have become so common that avoiding them is pretty much impossible in many organizations. For this reason, it’s critical to have policies in place regarding how data should be handled on USB drives.

That being said, depending on your business needs, you may not need strict guidelines covering every aspect of your employees’ use of USB storage devices.

Policies can be as simple as limiting the number of USB ports available on workstations, requiring the use of complex passwords for flash drives, or existing practices that all employees are aware of.

Suppose your organization does not have data security policies in place already. In that case, you should start by drafting a policy covering what types of files can be copied to external storage devices and how they are used.

Then, draft another policy prohibiting removing or copying any sensitive company-owned information onto USB drives without explicit written permission from management.

Finally, educate all employees on these policies via email bulletins, formal presentations during staff meetings, handouts at new hire orientation sessions, etc.

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