Data Management In The 21st Century

There are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created daily, and this figure is only expected to increase, given the growth of the Internet of Things, according to an article published by Forbes in 2018. With all this data being created, the key questions that follow revolve around the transmission and storage of data. The question of data transmission has perhaps been partially addressed through the development of data encryption. Data encryption basically entails the translation of data into a secret code in order to increase security. Most applications and platforms that transmit data ensure its security data by using end-to-end encryption. That being said, what now truly remains to be figured out is how to safely and efficiently store and manage data.

The Importance Of Efficient Data Storage

A decade or so back, any office you walked into had a set of cabinets stacked with gigantic files where old documents were kept. Back then, any moderately-sized enterprise needed a file room or storage unit where old files could be stashed away. However, with the digitization of data, most businesses store and backup their files electronically. You will find that organizations and even government agencies that previously stored their data in the hard-copy format are now placing concerted efforts to digitize their old files by keying in old data into updated systems.

Proper file management techniques would make it easier to retrieve and share files, thereby cutting down on time and increasing productivity. Even when systems are digitised, it is still necessary to ensure that the storage methods selected. as well as the chosen filing method is suited to your needs. You will find, for instance, that many people choose to store their data in external devices like memory cards. This is because it is usually quite affordable, a portable option and it allows easy organization of the files stored.

Start With A Data Management System

Regardless of where you choose to store your data, how you access it will rest on the file management system you opt for. A file management system is perhaps the most integral part of any data storage system, especially when the information is to be accessed by many people as is the case with companies. A data management system would dictate how files are named, arranged and accessed on a shared drive.

All these variables would depend on the policies set up in an enterprise and would streamline data storage such that any employee who understands the system could search for and retrieve files they did not save themselves. It would also allow the limiting of access to certain files to personnel with the requisite credentials only. A data management system is integral, particularly because it ensures that information stored is easily retrievable regardless of the storage method you may decide upon.

Backing Up Your Files

One of the mistakes you don’t want to make is to lose important data because of a system failure and find that you have no backup copies. A key aspect of data management invariably rests on how you choose to back up your files and folders. A good backup option should offer a large amount of space, allow data encryption to ensure data protection and have the lowest chances of malfunctioning. You may opt to use a flash disk, an SD memory card, an external hard disk or even cloud storage as your preferred backup option. The important thing is to ensure that whichever you settle upon meets the criteria set out above.

Data management and data storage technologies have come a long way in the past decade. Even so, their purpose remains the same – to promote efficient and convenient access, retrieval and storage of files.

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