Automated Inventory Management: A Powerful Lever for Growth

An automated inventory system can be defined as the practice of making sure that the materials in stock do not run out neither are they stocked in abundance- during the process of buying the product, keeping it in-store, or selling it out. With an automated inventory management system, sufficient goods will always be found in the stock that meets the consumers’ demands. With what advantage?

This facilitates timely ordering by merchants, fast product delivery, and the creation of good terms with the suppliers. All of these transactions can include separate parts or the entire finished product or simply raw materials.

Benefits of the automated inventory management system

With inventory software and an automated inventory system, various crucial activities of a business can be performed for merchants. These activities include:

  • Automated customer reordering after an inventory has met the required threshold.
  • eCommerce integrations for tracking all online sales and customer behavior.
  • Dispatch notifications for easy deliveries of ordered materials.
  • Stock transfers for sending and receiving merchandise between multiple business locations.

Furthermore, accurate documentation for orders of work, invoice creation, and shipping can be generated by a computed inventory management system. It also helps in reducing tasks for time-consuming labor by automating them. This, in turn, increases profit by lowering the cost that would have been incurred in managing the inventories.

As had been the norm in the olden days, control of inventories would be performed manually by the process of writing everything on documents and spreadsheets. Such a system of controlling inventories was so old-fashioned that it could not adapt to or take in the growth of current brands. This drawback led to the invention of contemporary inventory management software.

Different brands and companies can reshape their consumers’ orders and supply chains with the aid of eCommerce automation. No brand can thrive in the 21st-century ecosystem of commerce without boosting the profit in the channels of eCommerce and brick-and-mortar.

To achieve this, allocations of inventories have to be optimized as well as strategizing fulfillment orders. It would be sad if a business can suffer a terrible loss while tracking its assets, managing orders of distribution, or carrying out other operations just because it failed to create a strong inventory management system.

It is good to keep in mind that if there is anything that any business owner wants is constant unlimited business growth. And this requires that you own and implement the use of an automated inventory system irrespective of the kind of products you sell. Whether they are perishable or seasonal, revolutionize your inventory system.

What features do you need to consider in an inventory system?

Before arriving at a good inventory management system, you ought to carry out a thorough assessment of it, taking into consideration every user’s perspective. In one way or another, views will be different, take for example the view of the manager of a warehouse and that of a retail manager.

Information concerning feasibility, affordability, ease of use, and even ways of accessing features may be similar options for various software. All the same, the best software to settle on will include:

  • Sales tracking.
  • Inventory alerts.
  • Capabilities of Integration.
  • Automated reordering.

Recycle bin tracking, forecasting of products, and automation of invoices are other advanced and vital features to look for besides the above-mentioned basics.

What Distinct the Best Inventory Management System from The Rest

You actually know what your inventory management software can do for you, to make it one of the best, right? Your inventory KPI’s, data of sales will be scrutinized by this software and then come up with suggestions on how to fill the gaps found. Based on seasonality, speed of sales, and lead times, Point of Sales can be designed which can facilitate the reordering process by automating it.

Some situations can be unavoidable and unforeseen. Restrictions laid on inventories can lead to failure of fulfilling orders for the end-product consumers or marketplaces. This can make you incur additional fees as punishment and even reduce the opportunities for sales. That is why you will need a proportionate replenishment that will allow you to bridge all these rifts. What else?

Hone vendor relations and restocking

You can consider having and implementing a new software of inventory management for some added reasons. You could be feeling that the entire process of managing replenishment is poor. Or somehow, distributors and manufactures relations need to be improved.

Make purchase orders automated

The roles automation plays in the process of purchase orders and to what level, is one of the most important distinctions between the options of the software. Point of Sales systems can be strongly built by reduced exportation of data when good and proper software is in place.

Real-time data and data from other areas such as vendor fulfillment and sales data get utilized by professional systems to set the limits of Minimum Levels. Additionally, it sets for the deadline of hitting such a threshold.

Point of Sale bearing the desired quantity to reorder will automatically be designed by the inventory software system once you have reached the Minimum Level. Imagine that all you will be asked to is click the “send” button!

Reshape the management of orders

In the current world of technology, manual works in business such as maintenance of inventory count accurately and routing of orders need to be reduced. This is necessary as you will save time your nosiness wastes trying to all of them.

One important critical feature of a good inventory management system is the capacity of keeping track of orders from the moment of purchase to the point of delivery and customer acknowledgment.

The inventory management system does when it senses that a purchase has been placed. It then designs a label of packing, sets the limit for the method of fulfillment, sends the information of tracking the product, and comes up with the warehouse’s stock count that is available.

The product upon being sent to the customer and marked as ‘shipped’ by the inventory management system, will automatically generate a tracking code and eventually send it to the customer.


Automated inventory management has seen many businesses that started in small-scale, grow into empires. You can as well give it try or you can update it.

Just a few considerations on the key features that need to be taken into account, before starting on it. The success you will gain by using this system in your business is tremendous.

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