5 Ways to Make your Home Working Space Productive

Major advancements in technology has allowed for more diverse working practices.  As well as there being traditional office-based jobs, there is an increasing number of people who are working remotely from their homes.  It could be that you are in the process of creating your own home-working space, so we’ve put together a list of ways in which to help with the productivity levels.

#1. Create a Dedicated Working Space

It can be all too tempting to grab your laptop and work from whatever room in the house you feel like at that time.  This can mean there are too many distractions.  Choose a room or a space in your house – and make that your designated office area.  Alternatively, you could make an outdoor space an office. This can be done through the company Armstrong Steel who offer customized steel buildings that would be a perfect space for working from home and would be free from distraction.

#2. Keep Things Organized

It could be that in this world of evolving technology that there isn’t the need for a lot of paper to be flying around – but a cluttered space in a working environment can clutter the mind.  Make sure you have the correct storage solutions in place to avoid any unnecessary mess.

#3. Create the Right Atmosphere

Don’t be in a rush to buy everything you need all at once – take time to make sure that it fits in with the atmosphere you need to create where you are most productive.  This could be anything from selecting a chair that offers the correct back support if you will be sitting at your desk for long periods of time – to painting the walls the color that is most likely to put you in the mood to work at the optimum level.

#4. Use Project Management Software

There are some great project management tools out there such as Trello that will allow you to track your work effectively.  You can set yourself deadlines, create checklists and monitor the amount of time it is taking you to complete each task.  You can create multiple boards at the same time, and you can even add other Trello users to it so you can each have access to the same information.

#5. Have the Correct Communication Tools in Place

Although you are working from home – it could be that you still need to speak to people either in the same company as you, or other external contacts.  As such, you need to have the appropriate communications in place.  This could be call conference or video conference tools such as Skype or Zoom – to being able to share files easily using the likes of Office 365.  This will allow you to work quickly and effectively and to be able to collaborate with others.

If you are working from home – or if you think it could be on the horizon – then hopefully these top tips will help you create a productive working space.

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