3 Tips For Putting A Smart Thermostat Into Your Home

If you’re wanting to automate more of your home and make things smarter and easier to use, one great place to get started is with your thermostat. Not only will you not have to think about manually changing the temperature of your home multiple times a day, but you’ll also save money in the long run on your utility bills.

To help you see how this can be done, here are three tips for putting a smart thermostat into your home.

Make Sure Your Home Has Reliable Wi-Fi

In order for a smart thermostat to work in the way that it should, Glenda Taylor, a contributor to BobVila.com shares that your home has to have reliable Wi-Fi that both your smartphone and your thermostat can connect to.

The whole point of having a smart thermostat, aside from reducing your utility consumption, is to be able to make changes to things remotely. But this can’t be done if you don’t have access to Wi-Fi, as this is the way that your devices communicate with each other. So if you don’t already have reliable access to a fast Wi-Fi network, you may want to make this upgrade first before looking further into getting a smart thermostat put into your home.

Check For Wiring Compatibility

As you’re trying to decide which brand of smart thermostat to get, one thing you’ll need to know ahead of time is which system’s wiring setup is going to be compatible with your home.

According to Daniel Wroclawski, a contributor to Consumer Reports, it’s best to check on the manufacturer’s website for a checklist of compatibility tools before you go about purchasing your smart thermostat. The last thing you want to have happen is realizing that the smart thermostat you purchased won’t actually work in your home because of the way things are wired.

Pick The Right Time And Place

Once you’re ready to make the switch, the last thing you’ll need to consider is when and where you’ll place your smart thermostat. Wroclawski shares that it’s best to not try to put in a new thermostat during extreme weather or if you have a big event coming up at home, as things may not go according to plan the first time.

Additionally, Katie Bandurski, a contributor to Better Homes and Gardens, advises that you place your new smart thermostat on an interior wall of your home where it’s not likely to experience big shifts in temperature. This means that it shouldn’t be in direct sunlight or close to a window or vent.

If you’re ready to get a smart thermostat installed in your home, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you get ready for this upgrade and make the installation process go smoothly.

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